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Reading in a Bookstore

Middle Grade Books

By Author, Sherry Roberts

Here, you will find information about middle grade books by author, Sherry Roberts. You can find links for ordering a book, as well as a link to leave a Goodreads review for any of her books.



The Galaxy According to Cece

Excited about her first year of middle school, CeCe and her friends anticipated all the fun they would have in their new school. That was until the BIG announcement. Her family was moving across the country. Her dad called it the 'great adventure', but to CeCe, it was the 'badventure'.

She was starting a new school where she didn't have any friends. What would the kids at school think when they found out she lived in a weird house? What if they don't have a school band? What if they don't have girls' soccer? Would there then be a city league she could join? What if she never makes friends? So many "what ifs" for one eleven-year-old girl to think about.

Why would her parents move at such an important time in her life and to such a weird house? And why does everyone in town think the house is haunted?

This book is available now on Amazon and Barnes & Noble.



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The Galaxy According to Cece: The Mysterious Dr. Pruitt

Cece is settling into her new home, school, and town. What could possibly go wrong? The scientist who built your house could suddenly appear. Wait, the man is dead. How can he appear? Cece’s new home does have a ghost, and it is Dr. Pruitt, the astronomer, who established the observatory and house attached to it. Is this a friendly ghost or a crazy ghost? Or is Cece the crazy one since she’s the only one who sees him?

As if a ghost wasn’t enough to deal with, Cece is still trying to figure out Mercedes. The one girl in the school who seems to dislike her and continues to make life miserable.

Follow along as Cece and her friends, Analise, Gia, and Jaxon, build their friendship and negotiate middle school.


Available August 2024 on Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

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